Got My Cursor @
Sapiens: 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

WTF?I'm Blogging?

This might seems abit unbelievable,but yeah I'm blogging.
For the 1st time in my life I'm blogging.(Wat? U never Blog be4?)
Good question,I never blog be4.~ Coz i hate typing stuff....~~~
It's so tiring.~~
But anyway I'm still Blogging(U've mention it 3rd times)Jus wanna make sure tat I'm Blogging..
Is this even a dream?..~~~

IF YOU ARE SEEING THIS 'Hastala Vista'(Seriously I doesn't
know wat it mean either) u r a lucky 1~~Woohoo~~
This 1st my first blog~~~Well I have a feeling tat my blog
will be diff from others lol~
Coz I love talk to craps(Or cock).See I'm talking crap now
~~~Crap crap crap crap~~~Mr.Karb~~~~

Oh~U wan to know more about me?
Okiez~I'm 17 (Trust me it's real)
i have a dog,called amkong(Erm..U might think my family
are crazy to giv a name like tat but its not It's Lucky
converted to Hokkien)
My dog Like to play with cows
n eat thier shits (Trust me this is oso real)
My dog hates me~(wander if it's true?U can ask him personally)
U can see me online all day long(Mostly)
And my favourite fantasy character of all time is~~~Tifa Lockhart
(She is the most beautiful RPG female character known to man...
So? u dun believe me go search by ur self..But a piece of advise)
[If u r in the following situation forget about Tifa]
1. U r in love
2. U r engage
3. U still think ur love 1 is pretty~~
4. U love Cloud Strive
5. Hate character tat are not real(Fantasy)
6. U hate me
7. My dog hates U

Well, I think tats all for my 1st blog..~~~Duh
And da I'm gonig to KL to study staring tml onwards
will be bac only on friday will be gone again at Sunday nite~
Miss me? U can call~or sms~Shout abugen or oliugen
my picture might come out in ur mind(Warning for parkland bkb frens only
[If u r not ppl might think u r crazy n I know u r not~ u jus miss me XD])

~~~ Clement ~~~